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In collaboration with our industry and academic partners, Blockchain@UBC offers an annual Summer Institute on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies.
First offered in 2017, the goal of the Summer Institute is to provide upper undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline at UBC with advanced, specialized training in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Topics covered include: basic blockchain architecture and operations, privacy, security, and trust and blockchain/DLTs, emerging international standards and use cases, technical knowledge on the Bitcoin, Ethereum and Hyperledger blockchain/DLTs, and understanding of blockchain and DLTs in social, economic, legal and political contexts.
The training days incorporate a mix of in-class plenary presentations, seminar-style discussions, and hands-on lab work involving individual and team-based design and coding. In-class training is supplemented by videos, readings and lab exercises to be completed in advance of each session to make best use of in-class time.
The training sessions culminate in a two-day “blockathon”, sponsored by the partners of Blockchain@UBC, in which students will work as members of teams to design and prototype blockchain solutions for social good and community well-being.
Provider Price: $350 CAD
DEC Charterholders: $300 CAD