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What is the content of this training?
The banking and finance industry has recognized how blockchain technology is changing the world of business. They agree that blockchain - the technological basis used behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to carry out tamper-proof transactions and store data sets and information - has immense potential. Are you interested in dealing with these new, modern technologies in banking and the finance industry? In this future-oriented training course, a lot of it revolves around decentralized finance in a supportive learning environment, i.e. a system for offering various types of financial services in a decentralized manner. The applications are based on the blockchain and enable applications through the use of distributed ledger technology. Based on this, new opportunities arise for the traditional economy in terms of volume.
This course is DEC-certified . We will give you a voucher for the internationally recognized CDAA® online exam (Chartered Digital Asset Analyst). The CDAA® is the current benchmark for representatives of the financial industry in the area of assets.
What degree will you receive?
We award you the title Certificate of Advanced Studies Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts/FHZ in Crypto Finance & Cryptocurrencies.
What are the admission criteria?
Admission to a CAS, DAS or MAS program requires a tertiary qualification (degree from a university or higher vocational education HBB). People with a university degree must have 2 years of professional experience. People with a higher vocational education degree, must have at least 2 years of professional experience in a professional field relevant to the further training.
How is the CAS program structured?
This training consists of four modules:
1. Blockchain Technology
2. Digital Assets & Cryptocurrencies
3. Crypto Finance Ecosystems
4. Compliance & Regulation
Provider Price: CHF 8,800
DEC Charterholders: CHF 8,360